
23 lutego 2011

"The Secrets Of The Pyramids Revealed"

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Vilim Kanjski & Hrvoje Zujić - The Secrets Of The Pyramids Revealed

Poniżej cytat z w/w książki.

"The fact that Dr. Wilhelm Reich (formally) discovered the energy of life around 1930 is hardly known. He called it – Orgone. Reich, who was born in Austria, graduated from the Vienna Medicine University in 1922, and then became one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis through his work with Sigmund Freud.

Since he was opposed to fascism, he left Austria in 1939 and immigrated to the U.S.A., where he spent most of his time researching the orgone. Even back then, he started manufacturing orgone accumulators and „orgone guns“,and climate modification devices, which he called „cloudbusters“. Reich was convinced that the orgone can be used for various benevolent purposes. However, like many other scientists who were at the verge of the discovery and application of free energy, Reich was arrested by the American government, his laboratory and his books on the subject of orgone were burnt, data regarding his research was covered up, and he himself did not make it out of jail alive. He died in jail, allegedly of a heart attack.

We have already mentioned that this energy was also known to Nikola Tesla, as well as ways to produce and distribute this energy, which would ensure infinite amounts of energy for all of us, and free energy at that. On top of that, the planet would be much less polluted."

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